Feeling stuck in a destiny that's too small?
Free video series gives you the boost you need to take flight
Yes! I want to change the shape of my destiny!
It has been a long exile in pandemic-land, but a new time is coming. Who will you be then?
Have you been feeling stuck in an old life that's no longer big enough for you? It's been a long time on hold, a time when the world shrank down to a screen on the desktop. We've all been wondering about the shape of the future and who we will be when we finally emerge. There's been plenty of time to listen to fear and anxiety or to get stuck in your head, telling yourself unhelpful stories.
The challenge is, those stories are now shaping your life. Maybe you've had some of the same experiences:
- All the plans you made for 2020 dropped away and it left you wondering about your identity. A new year rolled around, but you still feel like you are in slow motion somehow.
- The pandemic has left you stuck at home, feeling isolated. And even more than the social isolation, you feel trapped in your own head, living the story of the movie Groundhog Day.
- You feel a call for something new, an inner urging for change, but you can't quite articulate what it is. You feel a bit like a leaf stuck in an eddy.
- Others seem to have cracked the code, and their social media trumpets success. But reading these posts only makes you feel behind and overwhelmed. And you'e not sure that's the kind of success you're looking for anyway.
- At work and in the world there's a sense of rushing. People want to get out and DO something, anything! You do too, but you feel you're missing a critical piece of the puzzle -- clarity about who you are now in the face of this change.
I've been feeling this way, too. So I want to offer YOU what I do best -- working with the power of stories to help you get focused, clear and ready for your next chapter! Stop feeling so isolated and step out into the world with peace and courage in your heart and clarity in your mind.
The key to a brilliant next chapter in life lies in the stories you tell yourself -- those hidden stories that are secretly shaping your future. In my free video series, you'll find some easy tips to take charge of your story so you can open the door to your new future. You'll come away with the sense of more ground at your feet and wind beneath your wings.
Sharpen your story focus
When you take charge of your inner story, everything else changes. Follow these four easy steps that will help you make the most of your future. Simply sign up and you'll receive these videos direct to your inbox!
Video 1: From rudderless to purposeful: Finding your unique essence
What is the story you're living in now and where do you hope and dream it might go? One of the best ways to feel more solid in the world is to discover and claim your personal story -- that hidden story you're telling yourself that is shaping your life. When you do, you learn to trust yourself and you can shine more brightly. Here's a practical tip for naming and claiming a part of your story that can act as a seed for new possibilities -- your unique essence.
Video 2: Finding your place on the map
A GPS is a handy tool, but it is only useful if you know where you are. Then it can help you get where you're going. We all know that stories have a beginning, a middle and an end, but did you realize that knowing where you are in a story can be a lifesaver? In this video we take a look at the geography of stories, because knowing where you are in the story helps you know what to expect and how to make the most of what the storyline can teach you.
Video 3: Choosing the story you want to live in: How to flip the storyline
It feels like a game, but it's a game changer! Each of us has a story of challenge that's shaped our life. It might have happened when you were small -- even before you were born -- or just yesterday. Perhaps it happened in relationship or at work. We get used to telling this story a certain way because of the meaning we've wrapped around that event. But sometimes changing your life is as simple as changing the story. This video features a technique for "flipping the script" -- a quick way to get a fresh look at an old story.
Video 4: Story & the fire of community
There's no doubt that stories were meant to be shared. This second human superpower can make all the difference for you -- and for others. In this video we take a look at a second great human superpower that is widely underutlilized today. It is the creative partner to storytelling. So not only will you become a better storyteller, but I guarantee you if you practice this, people will come to see you as generous, caring, capable and even wise!
Get the Free Video Series!
Get started today to change the shape of your destiny.
Feel like bursting out of your old life? Time to give your story wings!
Your Guide
Mary Alice Arthur, Story Activist
I first learned about the power of story almost 30 years ago. I love working with stories and finding the gold in them and my superpower is to be able to see and name the gifts people carry. I've been a host and facilitator for more than 25 years, working all over the world. I call myself a Story Activist, expert at both uncovering great stories and bringing them to life. It is my privilege and honour to support you. Welcome!