Find the story to set yourself free in 2024
January 1 - 7, 2024
Shape the story of who you want to be in 2024 together with a community that will help you bring your vision to life
With all the challenges and change in life, it can be easy to forget the person who most needs your attention, you.
You might think you are in charge of how you live our life, but in truth, the stories you carry shape how you see and meet the world. They shape how much you think you can achieve and receive. They shape you.
If you want to meet the world with courage and strength, the most positive thing you can give to yourself is the gift of mastering your own story. Being at home in yourself means the past can offer up wisdom, the present can be an opportunity and the future can present unexpected gifts.
You can meet what life throws at you because you know deeply who you are.
With story as your ally you know yourself as capable, confident, and competent. You can weather what comes.
I invite you to join me at the fire in the first days of the new year
Join me around the virtual campfire for a deeply personal journey into your own story. Using the experience I've gathered as a Story Activist working all over the world and the wisdom I've poured into 365 ALIVE! we will explore the geography and the generative possibility of story.
Which stories in your life are ending? Which are beginning? And which are in the "messy middle"?
Knowing where you are in your story is the first step to beginning to see, appreciate and change the landscape of your life.
We will support you to turn your story from what defines you into your ally and creative companion for success.
Are the stories you're carrying a burden, a litany or a legacy?
Find the gold in your stories and let them help you to soar. It's time to find your voice, claim your story and start living your brilliant life!
Is this for me?
- If you are wondering who you are now, and where your story goes from here
- If you want to understand yourself so you can step forward with strength and vision
- If you are looking for companions to help you face the next challenges and possibilities with curiosity and courage
then BY THE FIRESIDE is for you.
Let us host you into your own brilliance!

"I want to thank you deeply for the amazing journey with you. I find myself in awe at the depth, intensity and transformational capacity of 365 ALIVE! and BY THE FIRESIDE -- I never would have thought that could be transmitted online! It was a beautifully orchestrated co-creation process. You are masterful at what you do and your leadership is magnificent! I have trusted you from the beginning, sensing the integrity from which you create, your wisdom teachings and the quality of the mates you bring with you."
-- Melissa, USA

It's time to find new ground in 2024 and step forward in wisdom and strength
With 365 ALIVE! as our guide and companion we will discover and shape the stories shaping us. BY THE FIRESIDE offers practical steps and wise community to find your voice, claim your story, and start living your brilliant life.
BY THE FIRESIDE will bring together the geography of story — WHERE are you in WHAT story and what does that mean — and the generativity of story — HOW you can work with your stories to help them support you into your brilliant life. Every story needs something and every story is in motion. We can change the way we carry a story and let it companion us.
We will support each other to be inner explorers using curiosity to step into the realm of story. What's asking for attention? What's asking for release? What's asking for integration? We'll be both trail companions and witnesses to each other. The book 365 ALIVE! will be our special resource.
During BY THE FIRESIDE, we will work with a mixture of group and solo activities. Here are the elements that build our time together...

BY THE FIRESIDE takes place online
We meet at the very beginning of 2024, a time when the world pauses -- for just a moment -- to exhale and dream of what is to come.
We've chosen an intensive week for a reason -- our participants have told us making the commitment to themselves for this time was super rewarding and enabled them to go deeper with the support of others. They told us it enabled a massive step forward.
Isn't it time you give yourself the gift of your own story? And if you care about someone else, the most important thing you can give them is the gift of their own story.
Here is the flow of our days...

BY THE FIRESIDE will be highly interactive with the intention of engaging you fully and building a supportive and nurturing community.
Our community will be hosted on a private online platform, providing quick access to all our materials, recordings of the sessions and our community forum whenever you feel inspired. You can easily be in touch with each other and the team at all times. And you have unlimited access to the platform.
Zoom sessions take place starting at 9:00 PT / 12:00 ET / 18:00 CET and last for three hours. Each session will be recorded so you can view it at your leisure. Our Story Cafés will have staggered timing so you can attend in your timezone.

It's all up to you. You live in a story and that means you can change it.
Like anything in life, what you pay attention to, grows. What stories do you need to stop telling? What stories do you need to keep telling? What stories do you need to start telling? Let us support you to craft your compelling future story!
You can add coaching when you register.

What value do you place on your future?
BY THE FIRESIDE offers a place where you can grow the root structure to keep you grounded in turbulence and while building a launching pad to help you fly. Participation in BY THE FIRESIDE is US$297.
Groups of three or more receive a $50 discount each (please contact us for details).
Extend the impact and integration of this experience by adding a PERSONAL COACHING SESSION at your convenience with Mary Alice for US$250.
This is a perfect gift for someone you care about! Contact us to find out how.
Make it a whole season of story!
Get an amazing story boost and save at the same time by attending both THRIVE! in December and By the Fireside in January.
With THRIVE! you set your focus and intention for the new year. During By the Fireside you'll take a deep dive into your personal stories.
Attending THRIVE! and By the Fireside separately would cost you $495. As an individual you will save $80 when you register for both. Click the button to register for both programs and use the discount code THRIVE-BTF-IND
If you come as part of a group of 3 or more, each person saves $100! Contact us to find out how.
Why not give one or both of these online experiences as a gift to someone you care about? Contact us to find out how.
Pick the Story Season Bundle now!
Register for both programs as an individual

Mary Alice Arthur
Your Host & Firekeeper
Story Activist, expert host and author of 365 ALIVE! Find your voice. Claim your story. Live your brilliant life., Mary Alice is both a way shower and someone committed to supporting the strength and depth in you arise. She brings formidable talent and a warm and engaging presence. She is committed to hosting brave and transformative spaces to support you to find and welcome the brilliant aspects of yourself. She will hold the core of this gathering.

Stefan Fischer
Tech Host
Stefan is definitely "the tech guy" in the Fisher family. You know the one with the bottom drawer filled with cables and connectors? The one with a shelf full on device boxes and stacks of nerdy magazines? Yep, he's that one. But he's also a great host in his own right, who loves to create warm and connected spaces for meeting online and to support everyone on their learning.

Michaela Fischer
Conversation Host
Michaela is someone who loves to be in a great conversation, a very talented conversation host and spaceholder. She's studied a lot of disciplines, like NLP and coaching, but her most wonderful gift lies in being someone who can synthesise in the moment to help us all know the essence of what is happening for a group or individual. She is always a delight to have in any circle.