Evgeny Dotsenko explains the Russian words “Sobytie” and “Razdelit”

Apr 10, 2019

During the 10th Anniversary Faciliators Conference in Moscow last week I had the opportunity to work in a new language field. I actually like working with translators. Rather than tripping me up, I find that simultaneous translation makes me slow down. My expression naturally becomes more spacious and simpler. Translation enables me to get to the heart of my message.

Of course working in Russia means I was surrounded by Russian. I love learning about other languages and I learned that the Russian word for results is masculine, while the word for map is feminine. That made me ponder how you might need to take a softer approach at the beginning in order to finish strongly at the end!

The beauty of travel is learning by coming into contact with different cultures. I find each language has it speciality and its gifts. Here I’m learning about some new Russian words from a new facilitator friend.

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