Can we really make peace together? art of hosting flow game learning edge makes me think makingadifference musing people in practice stories from the journey work of the heart Apr 24, 2024

They say that when the student is ready, the teacher appears. I've also learned that if the inquiry is sincere, the opportunity arises...

Since the beginning of the year I have been journeying with the question: "What is life helping me see about my journey into eldership and...

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What does "practice" mean to you? art of hosting people in practice practice Aug 02, 2023

Do you ever feel you speak a different language to other people? And I'm not talking about all the flavours of English out there (which believe me, are wide and varied, the idioms will get you every time!).

Two words I use a lot are PRACTICE and PRACTITIONER. I often hear crickets when I mention...

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A new way to think about listening & TLC leadership listening people in practice practice Jul 06, 2023

Have you ever been asked what you felt is missing in the world? How did you respond?

While I've talked, written and worked a lot with story, there's a powerful flipside of the coin that very few people seem to be paying attention to. Story is a powerful tool, a human superpower, the secret...

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You're invited to Slovenia! art of hosting learning edge people in practice practice Jul 01, 2023
I'm SO looking forward to our time together in Slovenia this August. I take this as a time when I can refresh, restore and get inspired by my hosting practice mates.
It is rejuvenating to spend time with others who care about conversations that matter and how to build capacity to host...
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The global Flow Game practice field meets flow game people in practice Jun 30, 2023

How do you keep deepening your practice? Who are your practice mates, mentors, coaches and cheerleaders?

I've met a lot of successful #people and many of them are lonely. They are missing a #community where they can stop being the #leader and be hosted for once; a place where they can also be in...

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What we can learn from trees about stories art of hosting makingadifference people in practice Aug 20, 2022

Last week at the Art of Hosting Practitioner's Gathering in Slovenia we talked a lot about what it takes to host others in their conversations that matter during turbulent times.

In the end, it doesn't matter if you have the most sophisticated tools in the world. These days, people are...

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Returning to the room where it happens collective wisdom flowgame makingadifference people in practice May 17, 2022

When I think about the past month on the road, I feel like something has reconnected and come back to life again. I know what has been missing over the past 2+ years. Suddenly I can hear the lyrics from Hamilton in my head: "I wanna be in the room where it happens..." And I have been.


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Story is the ultimate multitasking tool about stories collective wisdom leadership making meaning people in practice Mar 15, 2022

Today I was listening to Henri Lipmanowicsz and Keith McCandless tell part of the origin story of Liberating Structures. Henri made a compelling point that concepts are all very well and good, but for change to come, people need structures. So many people are not poor leaders by choice, but...

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Hosting Brave & Transformative Spaces Online collective wisdom hosting learning edge people in practice practice May 18, 2020

Where once I felt like a voice at the rim calling for more attention on the relational field, the more we move online the more it becomes obvious that relationship is at the heart of transformation. In fact, that might be the most important thing I learned joining Civil Defense all...

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An angel on each shoulder hosting people in practice Apr 10, 2019

Last week I was in Moscow at the 10th Russian Faciliators Conference as one of the international guests. Although I never dreamed I would stand in Red Square, I had a fabulous time of teaching and learning in a field hungry for tools, techniques and ways to touch the heart.

In our planning, I...

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