WHAT is less than half the equation makes me think story activism Jan 31, 2024

The other day I was taking a walk around my neighbourhood listening to a podcast. Then the presenter said something that stopped me in my tracks for a moment.

What he said fundamentally changed the way I think about Story Activism. Here are the 10 practices

  • Practice 1: Be...
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Stories spotlight the secret ingredient to success collective story harvest story activism story as a map Dec 08, 2023

Yesterday was a day full of stories, here at Kufunda Village in Zimbabwe.

We started already the day before, briefing our storytellers and our young hosts about the process of Collective Story Harvest. Both groups were nervous, but excited too.

Then after our music and dance check in with the...

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A village is a place where stories meet future story makes me think story activism story as a map Dec 01, 2023

This is my third time in Zimbabwe. The first time was in 2006 and I was supporting a small group who wanted to replicate the customer service training program I had introduced through the Tourism Board in New Zealand.

I stayed in a compound and learned from the people working there how...

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Why this time in history actually IS unique story activism story as a map storymaking Nov 21, 2023

Perhaps it is the storytelling gene inside all of us that wants to proclaim that this moment in history -- our moment -- is  totally unique.  And yet the dynamics -- one might say the story elements -- are not new.

Generational struggle. Power imbalance. Gender...

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New year, new story flowgame future story makes me think story activism Jan 12, 2023

Welcome to 2023! Back when I was growing up, this number was awe-inspiringly far away, and now we're here! How do you want 2023 to unfold?

In THE STORY DOJO this week I asked the group what story they'd found themselves in during 2022. Was it an adventure? A RomCom? A...

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What if the world is waiting for you to tell your story? story activism story goes to work Aug 31, 2022

During my time in Denmark this month I had the opportunity to check out two amazing corporate settings -- Novozymes and IKEA.

 Both of them were a treat to be in due to the Scandinavian focus on design that works for people and for the people themselves. 

For Novozymes I...

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What will mend the cracks? about stories future story makes me think story activism Jul 06, 2022

I am a naturally optimistic person. I have a spirit of hope inside me that still believes we can change prevailing storylines and create a human society that works for all. And at the same time, I am confronted with the very real challenges all around us, challenges that have their basis in some...

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From dark to light: Transforming an old story in South Tyrol future story learning edge makes me think making meaning makingadifference story activism May 21, 2022

At the invitation of Brigitta Villaronga, I visited what she calls the "Cow-working" space in South Tyrol on a family farm in the mountains. Of course I helped to milk cows and enjoyed the view of the snowclad alps immensely from my outdoor office table high on the...

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How to reignite your dreams collective story harvest future story story activism story as a map Apr 12, 2022

Do you know there's more but you don't know how to get there alone?

If there's anything these pandemic times have thrust into sharp relief, it is the gap between "business as usual" and our deepest longings for ourselves. Being pulled up short made us confront things that were...

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How story leads to collective wisdom collective story harvest listening story activism story as a map Apr 05, 2022

Just this morning I was speaking with a fellow facilitator and circle host who had taken part in BEYOND FACILITATION and found herself excited by new learning edges in her practice. She joined us because she senses she wants to strengthen her internal core to be able to host more challenging...

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A closer look at the present moment future story story activism story as a map story as process partner story evolution Mar 18, 2022

Yesterday I had the great pleasure to check in with a group of storymakers I haven't seen in a long time. Most of them are part of Beyond Storytelling, a network of story people which hosts an annual "Story Camp", this year taking place in Austria.

The theme for this year is "Beginnings...

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It takes a story to change a story about stories future story makes me think story activism Mar 04, 2022
I had one of those sleepless nights. And I woke up in pain. I wondered -- am I old enough now that going to bed can be hazardous? 😳
This morning the osteopath told me everyone she'd seen so far today needed C1 adjustments -- that's right at the base of the skull/top of the spine -- even...
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