Finding your way in the in-between life stories makes me think stories from the journey story as a map Jul 18, 2024

What does "liminal space" and what are its gifts?  

Heather Plett was our Fireside Conversation guest in THE STORY DOJO this month. What she said about her discoveries around liminal space stayed with me and caused me to think deeply. 


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Where are your beginnings, middles & endings right now? about stories makes me think making meaning Jul 03, 2024

Although we like to think of life as one big story, in reality, every human being is an intersection of stories. And they're all going on at the same time! 

There are stories in your life right at the beginning. New things starting, new adventures to have, new experiences and...

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I've decided to be more playful flow game makes me think making meaning stories from the journey Jun 26, 2024

The other day I accompanied my girlfriend to get the shopping. The organic shop they frequent has a chilled veggie section and I find it quite cold, so I was waiting outside the door with the rest of the groceries.

I happened to find myself standing in front of some shelves full of nuts and...

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Summer Solstice... where were you? makes me think making meaning stories from the journey Jun 23, 2024

 The summer solstice falls on the longest day of the year and marks the moment when the days begin to grow shorter. In cultures where the short days are REALLY short (and last for a very long time!), like Scandinavia, it is the time to celebrate Midsummer.

In the lands of the summertime...

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Can love be locked in? makes me think making meaning stories from the journey Jun 22, 2024

 I remember the first time I walked on a bridge in Europe and saw a bright array of padlocks engraved with names and dates.

This wasn’t a custom I was used to, so I walked slowly and looked at them all carefully. I could sense the promise that each one held, together with the plea that...

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Finding the magic makes me think making meaning stories from the journey Jun 21, 2024

 For my birthday on Thursday, my friends took me to Nuremberg. It is a place of fond memories for me. I spent a magical summer there in my early 20s, on an AIESEC traineeship (

I flatted with another woman who was warm and welcoming and had a boyfriend with a Porsche. I...

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Todayā€™s my birthdayā€¦ makes me think making meaning stories from the journey Jun 19, 2024

But I’m not sharing that to get more cake or well wishes. Today I’m trying to remind myself of some things that should be with me not only today, but every day!

Every day can be a celebration of life if I choose it to be. Marking today is a reminder to be grateful for the continuous...

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Why "vulnerageous" matters makes me think making meaning stories from the journey Jun 18, 2024

In April I was in Guelph, near Toronto, Canada, co-leading an Art of Hosting training. A new word the group invented was "vulnerageous", a unique mash-up of “vulnerable” and “courageous.”

This word has been traveling with me and seems especially called for right now...

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What do you have in your backpack? makes me think making meaning stories from the journey Jun 17, 2024

 Most of us carry stuff around with us every day. A wallet. A phone. Important papers. A computer.

But there are also invisible things that people carry. Worries. Ideas. Traumas. Dreams.

These invisible onboarders help to determine your life.

I remember when I was 25 and I moved to New...

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Did you see the frog? makes me think making meaning stories from the journey Jun 16, 2024

Yesterday started out cool and rainy. I caught up with an old friend of mine in the University town of Erlangen, Germany, north of Munich. We had breakfast together in a delightful café with a fabulous menu. 

I’m the kind of person with a talking piece in every pocket, so I laid...

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Can we really make peace together? art of hosting flow game learning edge makes me think makingadifference musing people in practice stories from the journey work of the heart Apr 24, 2024

They say that when the student is ready, the teacher appears. I've also learned that if the inquiry is sincere, the opportunity arises...

Since the beginning of the year I have been journeying with the question: "What is life helping me see about my journey into eldership and...

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Have you ever suffered from expectations? flow game makes me think story as a map storymaking the story dojo Feb 03, 2024

Most of us have had to carry the expectations of others at some point during our lives. Perhaps it was the expectation of your parents for you to follow in their footsteps or take up a specific kind of work.

Maybe the teachers you experienced expected you to be an exceptional student like one of...

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