Where are your beginnings, middles & endings right now?
Jul 03, 2024
Although we like to think of life as one big story, in reality, every human being is an intersection of stories. And they're all going on at the same time!
There are stories in your life right at the beginning. New things starting, new adventures to have, new experiences and relationships about to start.
At the same time, there are stories ending, too -- the end of a project, the end of a job or a relationship, the death of something or someone.
And there are stories in the messy middle, that very uncomfortable place where you can't tell what's going to happen next or how you will find your way to clarity.
The most important thing is to discover where you are in a particular story.
When you know where you are on the map, you also know how to handle the territory. Each of these places in the story call for a different understanding and a different way of being.The key is to stay awake and notice.
One of the first ways you can become aware you are living in the messy middle is that things don't seem to make sense anymore. What you used to do isn't working and trying harder doesn't help.
It feels like entering a fog bank, only to become frustrated, fragmented and even fearful. But staying in it for long enough -- in a generative way -- can also be fruitful.
The "messy middle" calls for curiosity. What practices help you stay grounded, focused, flexible and curious, even in the face of whatever is facing you?
If you're feeling worried about the messy middle, you are not alone.
Here's the thing: Not only individual humans have stories in the messy middle -- so do our communities, societies, nations and the world.
As the United States celebrates the 4th of July, it is a good time to take a closer look at the messy middle and remain both curious and ready to make a move.
In this country alone, legislation is making it a crime to be homeless, some books are banned and others forced into the school curriculum, rights are being stripped away. Many of us pay more attention to appearance than to actions and we seek to stay at the symptom level rather than grappling with the root causes for what is because black and white thinking is far easier than considering the many sides to any story and grappling with ethics.
But as any storylover knows, the challenges test both the values and the motivation of any character. If it were always easy, there would be no compelling story. It is the wrestling with life that makes the richness.
What do YOU do in the messy middle when you don't know what to do?
Sometimes the best thing to do is simply make a move -- and get your hands dirty.
My sister is a big fan of what she calls "dirt therapy." She knows that working in the garden is not only good for the garden, but also good for the human being. She's a big proponent of dirt under the fingernails.
Here's my recent project -- clearing moss off the pathways for friends, stone by stone. It took days, but was extremely grounding.
What move are you called to make now?
Isn't it time to have a brilliant ally on your side?
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