The geography of story story as a map story evolution storymaking Jul 20, 2024

Did you know there is a geography to story?

Of course everyone know there’s BEGINNING, MIDDLE and END. These are the parts of story. But my colleague  Paul Andrew Costello told me there’s also a beginning, middle and end to every PART of the story.

Knowing this piece of...

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Have you ever suffered from expectations? flow game makes me think story as a map storymaking the story dojo Feb 03, 2024

Most of us have had to carry the expectations of others at some point during our lives. Perhaps it was the expectation of your parents for you to follow in their footsteps or take up a specific kind of work.

Maybe the teachers you experienced expected you to be an exceptional student like one of...

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Why this time in history actually IS unique story activism story as a map storymaking Nov 21, 2023

Perhaps it is the storytelling gene inside all of us that wants to proclaim that this moment in history -- our moment -- is  totally unique.  And yet the dynamics -- one might say the story elements -- are not new.

Generational struggle. Power imbalance. Gender...

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2022? The story is up to YOU! about stories future story makes me think storymaking Jan 04, 2022

Happy New Year! We survived 2021 -- and we're about to enter the year of the tiger.

If there's one thing I know about cats, it is that they decide how they are going to meet life. They know how to be totally alert. They know when to totally relax. They are tenacious hunters. They know how to mark...

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A new story around Giving Tuesday makes me think storymaking Nov 30, 2021

GIVING TUESDAY arose in the US as a counterpoint to CYBER MONDAY, which itself comes after BLACK FRIDAY, intriguingly the day after Thanksgiving. Five days of (over)consumption, followed by one day which brings us back to the original spirit of the holiday.

While days of thanks giving have been...

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What stories have you been steeping in? 365 alive! future story inner work making meaning story activism story activist story as a map storymaking Aug 27, 2020

Stories are unfolding around us in every moment. We are awash with them. We are at the confluence of many powerful stories all competing for attention. Take the United States as an example:

  • The pandemic continues to surge with rising numbers in most places. Whether you believe...
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What comes next? Thoughts on International Women's Day makes me think storymaking Mar 08, 2020

Today is International Women's Day and I find myself musing on the gifts feminine eldership and power could bring to our current disconnecting times.

My Friday morning started early with the first in a series of online calls. I've been working for myself for more than 25 years and in the...

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An Organizational Powerhouse – The Four Roles of Story (Part 3) future story story activist story as the map story evolution storymaking Nov 23, 2019

Story is already the currency of organization. We trade stories all day, every day, no matter where we work or live. That means they are the lifeblood of every organization, determining its health, well-being and future viability. If you want to story to become an agent of future potential,...

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How Story Supports Groups Getting Results – The perfect practice partner (Part 1) collective story harvest future story story as the map story harvesting storymaking Nov 19, 2019

One of the best ways to stretch the boundaries of your thinking is to be asked to do something new. Last week I offered a workshop I’d never done before: “Storytelling for Facilitation and Group Work” and it caused me to think about how and why I apply story in the groups...

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Developing the ecology for community narratives story activist story evolution storymaking Sep 25, 2019

This post was written as a guest blog for Percolab.

I am writing this post sitting in the airport in Columbus, Ohio. It is currently 9:46 and my flight to Chicago and then on to Montreal should have departed at 8:27. It didn’t. Not because there are weather conditions here or mechanical...

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Imagining 2019 about stories crafting stories inner work learning edge life stories practice reflection storymaking transformation Jan 05, 2019

This is traditionally the time of year when people take a pause to reflect, reset and renew. It is a time for new year’s resolutions, a time when hope springs eternal about the potential and possibility of the new.  

And small wonder. In the Northern Hemisphere, December equinox marks...

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Surfing the 3 Waves of Story (Part 3) about stories crafting stories hosting story as the map storymaking transformation Jan 02, 2019

Here is Part 3 of my new book chapter on the six perspectives and three waves of story.  Find Part 1 here, and Part 2 here.

Story as a Resonance Tuner & as the Art of Practicing Humanity

In these days of social media likes, fake news and alternative facts, it’s easy to see...

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