I've just returned to Ohio from Guelph, a small city (sometimes called "The Royal City") just outside Toronto in Canada. If you've never heard of it, you're not alone, although that also means you don't know about "Guelphiness" or that it is both an agricultural and an innovation hub.
...This is traditionally the time of year when people take a pause to reflect, reset and renew. It is a time for new year’s resolutions, a time when hope springs eternal about the potential and possibility of the new.
And small wonder. In the Northern Hemisphere, December equinox marks...
Here is Part 3 of my new book chapter on the six perspectives and three waves of story. Find Part 1 here, and Part 2 here.
Story as a Resonance Tuner & as the Art of Practicing Humanity
In these days of social media likes, fake news and alternative facts, it’s easy to see...