Yesterday was the fourth Monday of the month and that means I took my regular seat by fire (on Zoom of course) in The Story Café. We open the doors, see who from THE STORY DOJO will arrive and settle in to share how our theme of the month is stirring in us. It's like a regular...
Yesterday in THE STORY DOJO Frédérique te Dorsthorst introduced us to the power of archetypes. She reminded us that archetypes are part of our evolutionary past and we communicate with and through them every time we tell a story. The more you know about how they work, the more...
This moment had been coming on for some time, but I felt like I'd done okay riding the waves. Then I began to realize that the year mark of sitting at home alone had long come and gone.
There were different markers of time moving on: I'd slept in the same bed for over a year...
Stories are unfolding around us in every moment. We are awash with them. We are at the confluence of many powerful stories all competing for attention. Take the United States as an example:
- The pandemic continues to surge with rising numbers in most places. Whether you believe...
It's always a wise thing to know the backstory of something you're involved in and to remain curious about where it came from and what it really means. We've just celebrated Valentine's Day and there are two ways I get reminded of this, even though I'm self-employed and single. Valentine's Day...
This is traditionally the time of year when people take a pause to reflect, reset and renew. It is a time for new year’s resolutions, a time when hope springs eternal about the potential and possibility of the new.
And small wonder. In the Northern Hemisphere, December equinox marks...
It was an unexpected and heartfelt invitation from my friend and colleague Holger Scholz last year: "Let's do something together!". And somewhat later on: "I've really been feeling that we need to focus on what is underneath all the tools and methods. I think our retreat...
So many of us believe new year seems to call for a new start. Maybe we've done the review and reflection on the year gone by. We've sifted, and sorted and clarified. We wrote a list of all the things we no longer want and one with all our intentions. We want to start fresh....