Stories spotlight the secret ingredient to success collective story harvest story activism story as a map Dec 08, 2023

Yesterday was a day full of stories, here at Kufunda Village in Zimbabwe.

We started already the day before, briefing our storytellers and our young hosts about the process of Collective Story Harvest. Both groups were nervous, but excited too.

Then after our music and dance check in with the...

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Using story to move from "best kept secret" to well-known leader art of hosting collective story harvest crafting stories making meaning Dec 03, 2023
How do you move from "best kept secret" to "sanctuary for life open to the world"?
This is the question Kufunda Village in Zimbabwe is asking itself on the eve of its 21st birthday celebrations. I'm here in capacity of Harvester with the assignment to capture the essence of this special...
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Staying grounded during chaos art of hosting collective story harvest stories from the journey story activist Nov 05, 2023

I've been quiet for some time now, just cooking on my last journey and reflecting on the state of our world. There are two stories that stick with me from my very brief week in Istanbul. They reflect two lenses on what is happening and how we can host it.

The first is a moment in our ...

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Learning from stories of self hosting art of hosting collective story harvest stories from the journey Aug 18, 2022

I spent all of last week at the Art of Hosting Practitioners Gathering. We called it "Homecoming" for many reasons. Not the least of these was that it was time to find our way back together again after so many years of solo time and online meetings.

I like the idea of "roomies" and...

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How to reignite your dreams collective story harvest future story story activism story as a map Apr 12, 2022

Do you know there's more but you don't know how to get there alone?

If there's anything these pandemic times have thrust into sharp relief, it is the gap between "business as usual" and our deepest longings for ourselves. Being pulled up short made us confront things that were...

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You don't need more time, you just need more listening collective story harvest learning edge listening Apr 09, 2022

On Thursday night I was listening to mythologist Michael Meade during his webinar called "Coping in a World Gone Wrong." From a mythological point of view, the end times are also the beginning times. And they call for a special focus, because it no longer serves to hang onto "business as...

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Harnessing the power of listening for collective intelligence collective story harvest collective wisdom life stories Apr 08, 2022

How often have you heard people bemoan the obvious potential that lies within a person, group or system that seems stagnant or stuck? Often those with the most potential find it easy to coach and support others, but seem blind to their own gifts and talents.

Yikes! That statement feels too close...

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How story leads to collective wisdom collective story harvest listening story activism story as a map Apr 05, 2022

Just this morning I was speaking with a fellow facilitator and circle host who had taken part in BEYOND FACILITATION and found herself excited by new learning edges in her practice. She joined us because she senses she wants to strengthen her internal core to be able to host more challenging...

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How Story Supports Groups Getting Results – The perfect practice partner (Part 1) collective story harvest future story story as the map story harvesting storymaking Nov 19, 2019

One of the best ways to stretch the boundaries of your thinking is to be asked to do something new. Last week I offered a workshop I’d never done before: “Storytelling for Facilitation and Group Work” and it caused me to think about how and why I apply story in the groups...

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