What's the most important skill for the "messy middle"? about stories art of hosting the story dojo work of the heart Jul 04, 2024

HINT:  it's one of the key skills of a great host as well.

It's holding space

This concept -- and it's practice -- can be hard for practitioners who are focused on methods to understand because you don't appear to be doing anything. But in fact, you are doing one of the...

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Have you ever suffered from expectations? flow game makes me think story as a map storymaking the story dojo Feb 03, 2024

Most of us have had to carry the expectations of others at some point during our lives. Perhaps it was the expectation of your parents for you to follow in their footsteps or take up a specific kind of work.

Maybe the teachers you experienced expected you to be an exceptional student like one of...

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A life of stories turns into a movement about stories makingadifference story activism the story dojo Jul 08, 2021
Can you feel it in the air and on the airwaves? People want to get out of the office, away from the desk and around others. Restlessness is rife. And that means one thing..... THERE WILL BE STORIES. Are you ready?
Stories help us build the bridge between each other -- and between...
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