Story as Activism: Day 5 of 65 ALIVE! 65 alive about stories story activism Feb 05, 2022

People often ask me why I chose the title "Story Activist." Years ago I found a small clip of New Zealand actor Cliff Curtis talking about the power of story.

Somehow the way he spoke about stories making you want to take action caused a lightening spike in my brain. "That's it!" I said...

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The Spirit of Story -- How the past fuels the future: Day 4 of 65 ALIVE! 65 alive about stories life stories makes me think Feb 04, 2022
The Spirit of Story: How the past fuels the future This was our theme for Day 4 of 65 ALIVE!
Here's what our participant circle said:
  • The spirit of story is change, emotional connection, the arc of meaning, and resonance
  • Sharing our stories to promote connection and touch our hearts
  • ...
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Letting the Wolf In: Day 3 of 65 ALIVE! 65 alive about stories future story Feb 03, 2022

Beautiful, tragic, tender, terrifying, traumatising -- stories are all of these things. So how do we deal with difficult stories? 

On Day 3 of 65 ALIVE! Elizabeth Ellis and Loren Niemi called on us to step into the discomfort and let the wolf in. They describe difficult stories as...
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What is work now? Day 2 of 65 ALIVE! 65 alive about stories future story leadership Feb 02, 2022
WHAT IS WORK NOW? Here's the visual harvest from Day 2 of 65 ALIVE!
In starting their conversation by asking each other potent questions, Samantha Slade and Ed Hoffman reminded us that the capacity to live in questions is a key leadership attribute.
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Women & Men & Power: Day 1 65 ALIVE! 65 alive about stories future story Feb 01, 2022
65 ALIVE! kicked off on Tuesday with a bang!
We had a fascinating conversation around Women & Men and Power with Annette Simmons contributing her sizeable experience and dedicated research into how men and women story around power differently.
She pointed out that competitive...
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