Women & Men & Power: Day 1 65 ALIVE!

65 alive about stories future story Feb 01, 2022
65 ALIVE! kicked off on Tuesday with a bang!
We had a fascinating conversation around Women & Men and Power with Annette Simmons contributing her sizeable experience and dedicated research into how men and women story around power differently.
She pointed out that competitive narratives are setting most of our strategic frame, meaning we confuse harm avoidance with risk avoidance and therefore focus on winning/losing. She makes the point we need to be able to toggle back and forth between competitive narratives, and collaborative narratives, which often are offered by women.
James Navé brought flavours of how perspectives are like a kaleidoscope through offerings of poetry. And Julia Thornton blessed us with Bach on the harp, while Don Kirkpatrick gave us raging blues guitar and together they spoke about embodied communication being the most important thing they have learned about good relationship.
Here is Jill Greenbaum's marvelous visual recording. What do you see there that sparks your curiosity?

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