The power of archetypes

about stories collective wisdom inner work leadership May 11, 2021

Yesterday in THE STORY DOJO Frédérique te Dorsthorst introduced us to the power of archetypes. She reminded us that archetypes are part of our evolutionary past and we communicate with and through them every time we tell a story. The more you know about how they work, the more present and capable you can be.

In her way of viewing them, every individual is like the CEO of a multi-national corporation with thousands of employees dedicated to the life of the organisation. Some of them sit in the boardroom in leadership positions and have the most impact on running the show. But the boardroom isn't static, it can change over time. I imagine a cluster of archetypes at the head of the table. while others are at the whiteboard visioning and a few are in the corner strategising about their time to shine.

Archetypes are inherently neutral with those acting from shadow actually seeking to be helpful in their own way. In this video of highlights, she describes this in a very potent way.

What archetypes are at work within you and within the team(s) you work with?
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