Why "vulnerageous" matters

makes me think making meaning stories from the journey Jun 18, 2024

In April I was in Guelph, near Toronto, Canada, co-leading an Art of Hosting training. A new word the group invented was "vulnerageous", a unique mash-up of “vulnerable” and “courageous.”

This word has been traveling with me and seems especially called for right now if you really want to show up authentically.

When I am vulnerable, it enables others to show up in their vulnerability too.

I don’t have to be perfect, or “have my act together” or hide what’s not working right now in my life. I just have to show up as me.

From this acceptance of all that we are we can find the courage to make a move.

It is a vulnerageous stance to move away from the overemphasis in our societies on DOING and focus on BEING as the foundation that makes your DOING feel more like right action.

My experiences these past months have invited me to deeply reflect both on what I bring to the table and what is needed now. And most importantly...

Staying in practice is a vulnerageous act.

Why? Because I LOVE learning, but not necessarily in the moment when it happens. Some learning is the kind of painful you can only be grateful for afterwards.

For me, storytelling, storymaking/shaping, Story Activism and participatory process methods and skills are all focused, ultimately, on supporting people to be the best of themselves and to work together for a brighter future. The intersection of story and hosting a powerful place for transformation.

I had two people write to me about this word. Both their emails made me smile.

One said: “What was that word again? Was it “couragability”? (No, but why not? Go for it!)

The other said: “Remind me what two words you put together… Was it “vulnerability” and “outrageous”? (Wow, I like that one! And I’ll take it!)

PS if you’d like to change your story and to delve into a question that really matters to you, then why don’t you come and play a Flow Game with me? Dates are coming up on June 23 and June 29. https://www.getsoaring.com/pl/2148143649 

#storyactivist #storytelling #vulnerageous #courage #vulnerability

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