What do you have in your backpack?

makes me think making meaning stories from the journey Jun 17, 2024

 Most of us carry stuff around with us every day. A wallet. A phone. Important papers. A computer.

But there are also invisible things that people carry. Worries. Ideas. Traumas. Dreams.

These invisible onboarders help to determine your life.

I remember when I was 25 and I moved to New Zealand. If I’d tell it as a story right now, I’d start with….

Long, long ago…

in the time before AI,

in the the time before GPS,

in the time before Google,

in the time before email,

in the time before computers,

in the time before ANYONE outside Japan had ever heard of sushi…

Well, you know…. that time…

I remember thinking — “Wow! Only 3 million people. You could get to know everyone!” And I had the idea that I could now be anyone I decided to be, after all, NO ONE knew me there.

Then I realised I had a large trunk with me that I couldn’t see. It was attached to my leg with an invisible chain. It held all my previous experiences, and all that I knew about myself, and all that was yet to be discovered.

It was the me I couldn’t be free of until I let it go.

And it underpinned all my actions, because it determined how I saw myself and therefore how I could meet the world.

These days, I think it is easy to carry a heavy backpack full of worries and woes. It is easy to feel overwhelmed in the world.

What’s not so easy is to carry beauty. To carry lightness. To allow yourself to be playful. To be confronted with your own freedom.

What I know is true, is that our stories determine the world we find ourselves in. Once you change your story, you change the world.


PS if you’d like to change your story and to delve into a question that really matters to you, then why don’t you come and play a Flow Game with me? Dates are coming up on June 23 and June 29.  https://www.getsoaring.com/pl/2148143649 

#storyactivist #FlowGame #TheRealMe #powerfulquestions

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