Is there enough love in the world?

about stories future story makes me think Feb 13, 2022

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. Is there enough love in the world?

Last December I was pondering that question. And I started wondering "Is there enough love in my life?" I love travelling and engaging with people. And now I've not been in a plane or in a group face to face for more than two years. I've been so missing the world!
In my life I've been privileged to love on people and places, brilliant ideas and courageous steps all around this beautiful earth. People have often asked me "Are you in love?" and it was always in that moment when my heart was full of this beauty.
So if I'm not feeling it now, the next question is: "What am I prepared to do about it?"
The creative answer that came gave me so much joy and energy and it became this invitation...
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Sharing a story might not seem like much, but really it's the little thing that makes a BIG difference. One little story could make all the difference to someone who goes on to make a difference to someone else... and so the love story spreads...
This is my love offering to the world. Dear World, I love you and I miss you! But have I got a great story to share...
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