What I brought home from India...

makes me think practice Feb 23, 2023

People have been asking me how my trip to India was. Last week I had an appointment with an oesteopath, a naturopath, a nurse practitioner and the dentist. I'm hoping pretty soon my body will be finished processing my experience. All that personal "refinement" aside, I found myself flying away from India with a tender and intimate sense of having touched something important. Who knows what seeds were planted in the work we did or what will grow from the connections we made, but I'm glad I went.

I spent time in Mumbai, Ahmadebad (the site of Gandhi's ashram, an amazing place!), Bangalore and Goa. The first 15 days of our journey were focused on trainings and workshops. I travelled together with my colleague Toke Møller -- and supported by Bangalore based Arvind Shivakumar -- we offered Groundwork, a Flow Game Host Gathering and training, a Practicing for Peace Dojo and support for local practitioners.

The inspiring question in this photo came from one of the participants of the Practicing for Peace Dojo in January. It speaks of the uncertainty so many of us have about the future, and about our own sense of direction. In the recent past I've spoken with so many who feel their work is dropping away, taking a turn or even changing completely.

How well you keep yourself afloat during the times when you feel rudderless is often dependent on three things:

  • How grounded your personal practice helps you to feel, so you remember you are actually a human being, not a human doing and your worth is not based on your output.
  • The story you believe you are living in. Is this world out to get you or give to you?
  • The connections and networks that feed your feeling you are part of something bigger than yourself.

Start by practicing gratitude. It makes transformation easier. As Gandhi said: "As human beings our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world, as in being able to remake ourselves."

Here's a delightfully uplifting video to help you in your gratitude practice: GRATEFUL 

Interested in making the Flow Game part of your offering? I'm offering a training March 24 - 26 in Berlin. DM me for more information.

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