You're invited to Slovenia!

art of hosting learning edge people in practice practice Jul 01, 2023
I'm SO looking forward to our time together in Slovenia this August. I take this as a time when I can refresh, restore and get inspired by my hosting practice mates.
It is rejuvenating to spend time with others who care about conversations that matter and how to build capacity to host them.
It is stimulating to think about what our practice will look like in the future -- and I want to offer a Flow Game around the next chapter of our stewarding practice -- and it is relaxing to spend time in the beautiful nature Slovenia is so famous for.

Here's my personal invitation to you.

The Hosting Team is looking forward to seeing you there: Mary Alice Arthur, Ian Andersen Hendrik Berberich Mira Bangel Petra Zaloznik Marjeta Novak
Will YOU be joining us? See all the details and register here:

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