Learning from stories of self hosting art of hosting collective story harvest stories from the journey Aug 18, 2022

I spent all of last week at the Art of Hosting Practitioners Gathering. We called it "Homecoming" for many reasons. Not the least of these was that it was time to find our way back together again after so many years of solo time and online meetings.

I like the idea of "roomies" and...

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Crisis? Remember to breathe... art of hosting makes me think story as process partner Mar 01, 2022

If you ask me one of the most important things I've learned in becoming a host of conversations that matter -- and especially in facing crisis -- I'd say it is REMEMBER TO BREATHE.

Now that may sound strange, but there are some key skills to uncover here.

First, of course, is that breath is...

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What can we learn when we get curious about our stories? about stories art of hosting story as a map story as process partner Feb 22, 2022

As a leader, facilitator, process improvement manager, host of group meetings -- even as a colleague, friend or partner -- stories and storytelling are some of the most powerful partners you can have on your team.

During the first session of "BEYOND FACILITATION: Secrets of Extraordinary...

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Discovering the map of practice about stories art of hosting story as process partner story as the map Feb 16, 2022
What do you think of when you hear the word PRACTICE?
This quote from one of our cohort says it all for me: "For me, a practitioner means being on my growing edge - its a bit messy, full of questions and challenge, it requires a courageous willingness to try stuff out - to maybe fall...
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Why understanding your WEIRD is vital to being a changemaker about stories art of hosting learning edge story as process partner Sep 11, 2021

I met some weirdness on a walk in a State Park yesterday. This video introduces you to my new weird friend and it is intended to help you open your mind to the idea of weirdness. An open mind is the prerequisite to accepting weirdness, and especially your own. You may never know what gift you are...

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How to master the art of facilitation and hosting art of hosting hosting story activism Jun 10, 2020

Here's my interview with Myriam Hadnes, whose "Workshops.Work" podcast beams online out of the Netherlands. Listen to the interview here.

She writes:

"The Art of Hosting is a beautiful embodiment of many of the features of facilitation, combined with its own set of unique approaches and concepts....

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