Art of Hosting goes online -- for 17 hours! art of hosting Mar 18, 2023

What an amazing time we had at the AoH Practitioners Gathering on March 18!
It was an amazing 17 hour odyssey on Zoom, with people from all over the world contributing, learning and participating. THANK YOU for joining of us, those of you who did it with us!

We loved hearing back from many...

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Is there such thing as a luxury question? makes me think Mar 08, 2023

It is a month exactly since I returned from India and I'm still processing the journey. My body is not yet done working it out and neither is my psyche. I had a hard time with the food, the beds, the heat, but still I left India with a tender and intimate feeling because of the connections and...

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What I brought home from India... makes me think practice Feb 23, 2023

People have been asking me how my trip to India was. Last week I had an appointment with an oesteopath, a naturopath, a nurse practitioner and the dentist. I'm hoping pretty soon my body will be finished processing my experience. All that personal "refinement" aside, I found myself...

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New year, new story flowgame future story makes me think story activism Jan 12, 2023

Welcome to 2023! Back when I was growing up, this number was awe-inspiringly far away, and now we're here! How do you want 2023 to unfold?

In THE STORY DOJO this week I asked the group what story they'd found themselves in during 2022. Was it an adventure? A RomCom? A...

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Why "fika" could save the world stories from the journey stories in a word Nov 29, 2022
Stories in a word...

Ordinary people have coffee breaks, but the Swedes have "fika", a collective art in taking breaks. There are certainly fewer places in the world that drink more coffee and have developed the cinnamon bun into an artform.

Could the practice save the world? Listen to...

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The Russian words "sobytie" & "razdelit" stories from the journey stories in a word Nov 26, 2022
Stories in a word... 

Every culture has something unique to add to our understanding of what it is to be human and how we experience this world.

You might think that the word "event" would be a simple translation, but in Russian the word "sobytie" actually means to "co-be". Co-creation in a...

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Exploring how Swedes practice team stories from the journey stories in a word Nov 24, 2022

Stories in a word 

The Swedes have a very rich history of how they practice being in community and making sure everyone has enough. One image that often pops to mind is a circle of Vikings around a fire passing the drinking horn. Ulric Rudebeck describes his deep understanding of the old...

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What is "Hygge"? stories from the journey stories in a word Nov 23, 2022
Stories in a word... 

I love language! When I think about the scene from The Matrix when Neo is offered the red pill and the blue pill, I visualise it like this:

If the red pill were all the physical prowess in the world and the blue pill were all the languages in the world, I'd take the...

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A P.S. on Hygge... stories from the journey stories in a word Nov 22, 2022
Stories in a word...

... but wait, there's more! What's the opposite of Hygge?

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Keep calm and story on! crafting stories future story leadership story as a map Sep 09, 2022

If you've been keeping track of the news, things have been challenging for Britons recently. And yesterday the twist in their storyline struck at the heart of the nation, as the monarch who had seen nearly a century and held her role for 70 years passed on.

Now the country -- and the monarchy...

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What if the world is waiting for you to tell your story? story activism story goes to work Aug 31, 2022

During my time in Denmark this month I had the opportunity to check out two amazing corporate settings -- Novozymes and IKEA.

 Both of them were a treat to be in due to the Scandinavian focus on design that works for people and for the people themselves. 

For Novozymes I...

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What is your work REALLY about? art of hosting future story makes me think Aug 25, 2022

I’ve just spent a very quiet time on the beach next to the sea in northern Denmark, and also together with my old friends and mates Toke Moeller and Monica Níssen.

We’ve known each other now for almost 15 years. It’s been time enough to be in a deep and focused...

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