The Danish way of "seeing eye to eye" stories from the journey stories in a word Jul 21, 2023
Stories in a word...

The Danes have a particular focus on what they call "seeing eye to eye" or "being at the same eye level." Moving past the time of the sovereign kings, Denmark's people had to work together to rebuild their society. Being at eye level is a stance and a value. Toke Paludan...

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The Danish word "Dannelse" stories from the journey stories in a word Jul 14, 2023
Stories in a word...

Toke Paludan Møller talks us through the Danish concept of "dannelse", which is all about educating your "humanbeing-ness." The Danish Folk High School system -- still renowned around the world -- focuses on balancing knowledge and skills with supporting people to...

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A new way to think about listening & TLC leadership listening people in practice practice Jul 06, 2023

Have you ever been asked what you felt is missing in the world? How did you respond?

While I've talked, written and worked a lot with story, there's a powerful flipside of the coin that very few people seem to be paying attention to. Story is a powerful tool, a human superpower, the secret...

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You're invited to Slovenia! art of hosting learning edge people in practice practice Jul 01, 2023
I'm SO looking forward to our time together in Slovenia this August. I take this as a time when I can refresh, restore and get inspired by my hosting practice mates.
It is rejuvenating to spend time with others who care about conversations that matter and how to build capacity to host...
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The global Flow Game practice field meets flow game people in practice Jun 30, 2023

How do you keep deepening your practice? Who are your practice mates, mentors, coaches and cheerleaders?

I've met a lot of successful #people and many of them are lonely. They are missing a #community where they can stop being the #leader and be hosted for once; a place where they can also be in...

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Storytelling impacts democracy & governance about stories makes me think story goes to work Jun 20, 2023

What does collective intelligence mean for democracy and governance? If you've been curious, then check this out...

My chapter -- incidentally number 28 -- is called "To Transform the Community, Change the Story" and features Percolab's work with the FabCity initiative. It makes fascinating...

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Is it really like riding a bike? art of hosting learning edge practice Jun 20, 2023

On Monday I celebrated my birthday in Tisvilde, a small town I like very much on the Northern coast of Denmark. At the intersection of forest and ocean there's a stillness and a slowness that feels like a blessing.

Last night I sat on a rock talking with a friend on Facetime, showing...

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The real reason leaders don't use participatory practice leadership learning edge makes me think story goes to work Jun 14, 2023

Interested in the real reason leaders don't use participatory practice with their people?

Just before I left for Sweden at the end of May to co-host an in-house Art of Host training, I interviewed my friend and long-time CEO Phil Cass. I wanted to know both how he had come to participatory...

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The art of leading together art of hosting leadership learning edge May 28, 2023

One of the great joys of my work is the opportunity to peek behind the scenes in organisations and teams to help them find their courageous stories and host them to life.

I spent all last week in Malmö, Sweden alongside a team hosting a team into being through what we called "The Art of...

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Creating transformational spaces about stories crafting interview May 09, 2023

Such a fun conversation today with Madelyn Blair, PhD for her YouTube show UNLOCKED! Of course we talked about #storytelling and how it's a key #leadership skill, but also about how #storytelling can create the power of connection and #engagement.

During our conversation I offered a simple...

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Art of Hosting goes online -- for 17 hours! art of hosting Mar 18, 2023

What an amazing time we had at the AoH Practitioners Gathering on March 18!
It was an amazing 17 hour odyssey on Zoom, with people from all over the world contributing, learning and participating. THANK YOU for joining of us, those of you who did it with us!

We loved hearing back from many...

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Is there such thing as a luxury question? makes me think Mar 08, 2023

It is a month exactly since I returned from India and I'm still processing the journey. My body is not yet done working it out and neither is my psyche. I had a hard time with the food, the beds, the heat, but still I left India with a tender and intimate feeling because of the connections and...

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