Harnessing the power of listening for collective intelligence collective story harvest collective wisdom life stories Apr 08, 2022

How often have you heard people bemoan the obvious potential that lies within a person, group or system that seems stagnant or stuck? Often those with the most potential find it easy to coach and support others, but seem blind to their own gifts and talents.

Yikes! That statement feels too close...

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How story leads to collective wisdom collective story harvest listening story activism story as a map Apr 05, 2022

Just this morning I was speaking with a fellow facilitator and circle host who had taken part in BEYOND FACILITATION and found herself excited by new learning edges in her practice. She joined us because she senses she wants to strengthen her internal core to be able to host more challenging...

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A closer look at the present moment future story story activism story as a map story as process partner story evolution Mar 18, 2022

Yesterday I had the great pleasure to check in with a group of storymakers I haven't seen in a long time. Most of them are part of Beyond Storytelling, a network of story people which hosts an annual "Story Camp", this year taking place in Austria.

The theme for this year is "Beginnings...

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Story is the ultimate multitasking tool about stories collective wisdom leadership making meaning people in practice Mar 15, 2022

Today I was listening to Henri Lipmanowicsz and Keith McCandless tell part of the origin story of Liberating Structures. Henri made a compelling point that concepts are all very well and good, but for change to come, people need structures. So many people are not poor leaders by choice, but...

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Every meeting is a story makes me think story activist story as a map story as process partner Mar 07, 2022

This morning I was up before the sun and sitting in front of the computer ready to deliver a "Dialogue with Masters" session for the CP Yen Foundation.  The Foundation focuses on encouraging a culture of respect and participation through offering, training and providing information...

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It takes a story to change a story about stories future story makes me think story activism Mar 04, 2022
I had one of those sleepless nights. And I woke up in pain. I wondered -- am I old enough now that going to bed can be hazardous? 😳
This morning the osteopath told me everyone she'd seen so far today needed C1 adjustments -- that's right at the base of the skull/top of the spine -- even...
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Crisis? Remember to breathe... art of hosting makes me think story as process partner Mar 01, 2022

If you ask me one of the most important things I've learned in becoming a host of conversations that matter -- and especially in facing crisis -- I'd say it is REMEMBER TO BREATHE.

Now that may sound strange, but there are some key skills to uncover here.

First, of course, is that breath is...

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What can we learn when we get curious about our stories? about stories art of hosting story as a map story as process partner Feb 22, 2022

As a leader, facilitator, process improvement manager, host of group meetings -- even as a colleague, friend or partner -- stories and storytelling are some of the most powerful partners you can have on your team.

During the first session of "BEYOND FACILITATION: Secrets of Extraordinary...

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Discovering the map of practice about stories art of hosting story as process partner story as the map Feb 16, 2022
What do you think of when you hear the word PRACTICE?
This quote from one of our cohort says it all for me: "For me, a practitioner means being on my growing edge - its a bit messy, full of questions and challenge, it requires a courageous willingness to try stuff out - to maybe fall...
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Is there enough love in the world? about stories future story makes me think Feb 13, 2022

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. Is there enough love in the world?

Last December I was pondering that question. And I started wondering "Is there enough love in my life?" I love travelling and engaging with people. And now I've not been in a plane or in a group face to face for more than two...
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Story as Activism: Day 5 of 65 ALIVE! 65 alive about stories story activism Feb 05, 2022

People often ask me why I chose the title "Story Activist." Years ago I found a small clip of New Zealand actor Cliff Curtis talking about the power of story.

Somehow the way he spoke about stories making you want to take action caused a lightening spike in my brain. "That's it!" I said...

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The Spirit of Story -- How the past fuels the future: Day 4 of 65 ALIVE! 65 alive about stories life stories makes me think Feb 04, 2022
The Spirit of Story: How the past fuels the future This was our theme for Day 4 of 65 ALIVE!
Here's what our participant circle said:
  • The spirit of story is change, emotional connection, the arc of meaning, and resonance
  • Sharing our stories to promote connection and touch our hearts
  • ...
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