When I was around 16 my mother asked me if I'd like to meet Rob. My mother was a Guidance Counselor at the High School and Rob was the son of her colleague.
Rob had just returned from being an exchange student in Japan. Now you need to know that in the 1970s there was no such thing as sushi...
I'd already been in New Zealand for more than 10 years when I complained to another storyteller friend about the incessant question: "Where are you from?"
I called it "my graciousness question." when I was feeling gracious I knew it was a question that helped people make connection, and...
But first, a small but potent memory...
I remember someone long ago who, after regarding me thoughtfully for some time, said: "If you were to have had the ordinary life, you would have had it by now!"
Still, it felt like it started ordinary enough. On this day -- February 14 -- we celebrated...
If you've been keeping track of the news, things have been challenging for Britons recently. And yesterday the twist in their storyline struck at the heart of the nation, as the monarch who had seen nearly a century and held her role for 70 years passed on.
Now the country -- and the monarchy...
Here I am at the airport again. It feels both tiring and wonderful. Tiring because I still need to build up my resilience for being around other people and wonderful because I'm off into some new adventures and I'll be performing one of the roles I love best -- StoryCatcher!
Every time you...
Have you ever stepped inside an elevator with others from a group or conference and found you needed to introduce yourself? What about that moment as your speech begins and the person introducing you has read out your professional bio, but you want to make a real connection to the audience?
I remember laughing out loud at hearing Pema Chödrön once say: "If you think you're enlightened, go home to your family."
She has a good point.
If you think you're a good leader / facilitator / conflict resolution coach / mediation specialist / meditator / process...
This is traditionally the time of year when people take a pause to reflect, reset and renew. It is a time for new year’s resolutions, a time when hope springs eternal about the potential and possibility of the new.
And small wonder. In the Northern Hemisphere, December equinox marks...
Here is Part 3 of my new book chapter on the six perspectives and three waves of story. Find Part 1 here, and Part 2 here.
Story as a Resonance Tuner & as the Art of Practicing Humanity
In these days of social media likes, fake news and alternative facts, it’s easy to see...
Story as a Learning Practice & Process Partner
The human mind is organised around stories. We capture our experiences and make sense of the world through the stories that form our lens on reality. Since our knowledge is captured in story form, it makes sense to use stories as one...
It was an unexpected and heartfelt invitation from my friend and colleague Holger Scholz last year: "Let's do something together!". And somewhat later on: "I've really been feeling that we need to focus on what is underneath all the tools and methods. I think our retreat...