Are you "vulnerageous"? art of hosting leadership making meaning makingadifference stories from the journey transformation Apr 26, 2024

I've just returned to Ohio from Guelph, a small city (sometimes called "The Royal City") just outside Toronto in Canada. If you've never heard of it, you're not alone, although that also means you don't know about "Guelphiness" or that it is both an agricultural and an innovation hub. 

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A new way to think about listening & TLC leadership listening people in practice practice Jul 06, 2023

Have you ever been asked what you felt is missing in the world? How did you respond?

While I've talked, written and worked a lot with story, there's a powerful flipside of the coin that very few people seem to be paying attention to. Story is a powerful tool, a human superpower, the secret...

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The real reason leaders don't use participatory practice leadership learning edge makes me think story goes to work Jun 14, 2023

Interested in the real reason leaders don't use participatory practice with their people?

Just before I left for Sweden at the end of May to co-host an in-house Art of Host training, I interviewed my friend and long-time CEO Phil Cass. I wanted to know both how he had come to participatory...

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The art of leading together art of hosting leadership learning edge May 28, 2023

One of the great joys of my work is the opportunity to peek behind the scenes in organisations and teams to help them find their courageous stories and host them to life.

I spent all last week in Malmö, Sweden alongside a team hosting a team into being through what we called "The Art of...

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Keep calm and story on! crafting stories future story leadership story as a map Sep 09, 2022

If you've been keeping track of the news, things have been challenging for Britons recently. And yesterday the twist in their storyline struck at the heart of the nation, as the monarch who had seen nearly a century and held her role for 70 years passed on.

Now the country -- and the monarchy...

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Storycatching at the airport about stories crafting stories leadership mastery story as a map storycrafing Aug 03, 2022

Here I am at the airport again. It feels both tiring and wonderful. Tiring because I still need to build up my resilience for being around other people and wonderful because I'm off into some new adventures and I'll be performing one of the roles I love best -- StoryCatcher!

Every time you...

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Is love a leadership capacity? about stories leadership learning edge makes me think Jul 14, 2022

If you listen more deeply to the conversations around you, what are the themes you're hearing? Yesterday I was in conversation with David Hutchens, who told me he's been thinking a lot about the conversations he's been part of and how he's beginning to muse on love as a leadership capacity.


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Story is the ultimate multitasking tool about stories collective wisdom leadership making meaning people in practice Mar 15, 2022

Today I was listening to Henri Lipmanowicsz and Keith McCandless tell part of the origin story of Liberating Structures. Henri made a compelling point that concepts are all very well and good, but for change to come, people need structures. So many people are not poor leaders by choice, but...

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What is work now? Day 2 of 65 ALIVE! 65 alive about stories future story leadership Feb 02, 2022
WHAT IS WORK NOW? Here's the visual harvest from Day 2 of 65 ALIVE!
In starting their conversation by asking each other potent questions, Samantha Slade and Ed Hoffman reminded us that the capacity to live in questions is a key leadership attribute.
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The power of archetypes about stories collective wisdom inner work leadership May 11, 2021

Yesterday in THE STORY DOJO Frédérique te Dorsthorst introduced us to the power of archetypes. She reminded us that archetypes are part of our evolutionary past and we communicate with and through them every time we tell a story. The more you know about how they work, the more...

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Mothers tell stories that change the world leadership life stories makes me think makingadifference May 08, 2021
Today I’m celebrating my Mom, Alice, and the only mother left in our immediate circle, my sister Sarah. It has been a challenging time for mothers over the past year, as they work even harder to juggle family, work, relationships and community responsibilities as well as keeping the home...
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Surfing the 3 Waves of Story (Part 1) leadership practice story activist story as the map Dec 19, 2018

This is my rewrite of a series of blogposts from 2017, formulated into a chapter for a new book being published in 2019.  It comes in three parts, covering six perspectives I’m working with on the power of stories and what colleagues David Hutchens, David Drake and I call “The...

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