The power of introverts makes me think story activist Jul 18, 2021

Joanna Rawbone is a change agent and an advocate for introverts. We talked about the power of story coupled with the super power of introverts on her podcast "The Flourishing Introvert Talks". As she says: "'We live in a story and that means we can change it' These words from Mary Alice...

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A life of stories turns into a movement about stories makingadifference story activism the story dojo Jul 08, 2021
Can you feel it in the air and on the airwaves? People want to get out of the office, away from the desk and around others. Restlessness is rife. And that means one thing..... THERE WILL BE STORIES. Are you ready?
Stories help us build the bridge between each other -- and between...
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The power of archetypes about stories collective wisdom inner work leadership May 11, 2021

Yesterday in THE STORY DOJO Frédérique te Dorsthorst introduced us to the power of archetypes. She reminded us that archetypes are part of our evolutionary past and we communicate with and through them every time we tell a story. The more you know about how they work, the more...

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Mothers tell stories that change the world leadership life stories makes me think makingadifference May 08, 2021
Today I’m celebrating my Mom, Alice, and the only mother left in our immediate circle, my sister Sarah. It has been a challenging time for mothers over the past year, as they work even harder to juggle family, work, relationships and community responsibilities as well as keeping the home...
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How I decided to work SMARTER 365 alive! future story inner work makes me think Mar 18, 2021

This moment had been coming on for some time, but I felt like I'd done okay riding the waves. Then I began to realize that the year mark of sitting at home alone had long come and gone.

There were different markers of time moving on: I'd slept in the same bed for over a year...

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What stories have you been steeping in? 365 alive! future story inner work making meaning story activism story activist story as a map storymaking Aug 27, 2020

Stories are unfolding around us in every moment. We are awash with them. We are at the confluence of many powerful stories all competing for attention. Take the United States as an example:

  • The pandemic continues to surge with rising numbers in most places. Whether you believe...
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How to master the art of facilitation and hosting art of hosting hosting story activism Jun 10, 2020

Here's my interview with Myriam Hadnes, whose "Workshops.Work" podcast beams online out of the Netherlands. Listen to the interview here.

She writes:

"The Art of Hosting is a beautiful embodiment of many of the features of facilitation, combined with its own set of unique approaches and concepts....

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Hosting Brave & Transformative Spaces Online collective wisdom hosting learning edge people in practice practice May 18, 2020

Where once I felt like a voice at the rim calling for more attention on the relational field, the more we move online the more it becomes obvious that relationship is at the heart of transformation. In fact, that might be the most important thing I learned joining Civil Defense all...

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Looking for signs in a time of confusing stories makes me think making meaning story activist story as a map Apr 19, 2020

In these greatly challenging days, I have the sense that we are building a new kind of collective wisdom, one that for the moment remains mysterious. New communities are springing up around invitations to think together about issues or be in practice, or listen to new ways of looking at the...

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What comes next? Thoughts on International Women's Day makes me think storymaking Mar 08, 2020

Today is International Women's Day and I find myself musing on the gifts feminine eldership and power could bring to our current disconnecting times.

My Friday morning started early with the first in a series of online calls. I've been working for myself for more than 25 years and in the...

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What is your story of love? inner work listening makes me think storycrafing Feb 16, 2020

It's always a wise thing to know the backstory of something you're involved in and to remain curious about where it came from and what it really means. We've just celebrated Valentine's Day and there are two ways I get reminded of this, even though I'm self-employed and single. Valentine's Day...

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An Organizational Powerhouse – The Four Roles of Story (Part 3) future story story activist story as the map story evolution storymaking Nov 23, 2019

Story is already the currency of organization. We trade stories all day, every day, no matter where we work or live. That means they are the lifeblood of every organization, determining its health, well-being and future viability. If you want to story to become an agent of future potential,...

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