What's more important -- learning or knowledge? collective wisdom future story learning edge makes me think Jun 12, 2022

I've been in some good learning over the past weeks. Most of it was amazingly generative and connecting. Some of it was disturbing. A bit of it happened solo with my eyes closed. And all of it points to the unique choices we are making now.

In the dojo

At the end of May I headed to a "Dojo...

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From dark to light: Transforming an old story in South Tyrol future story learning edge makes me think making meaning makingadifference story activism May 21, 2022

At the invitation of Brigitta Villaronga, I visited what she calls the "Cow-working" space in South Tyrol on a family farm in the mountains. Of course I helped to milk cows and enjoyed the view of the snowclad alps immensely from my outdoor office table high on the...

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Returning to the room where it happens collective wisdom flowgame makingadifference people in practice May 17, 2022

When I think about the past month on the road, I feel like something has reconnected and come back to life again. I know what has been missing over the past 2+ years. Suddenly I can hear the lyrics from Hamilton in my head: "I wanna be in the room where it happens..." And I have been.


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What's the diamond inside you? about stories future story Apr 21, 2022

I'm finally on the road again in Europe after being grounded for the past two years in Ohio. Returning to familiar spots seems both familiar....and strange. 

On one hand I have the reassuring sense of something known. I know this sight, this smell, this taste, this sense of welcome. And...

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Why Spring could be your perfect story season life stories makingadifference reflection story as a map Apr 17, 2022

Last night while celebrating Passover at a Seder dinner with friends, one of them told me Spring is his favourite season. Is it any wonder so many of the major religions take this time for celebration and remembrance?

What once appeared cut down and dead is now blossoming with new life....

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How to reignite your dreams collective story harvest future story story activism story as a map Apr 12, 2022

Do you know there's more but you don't know how to get there alone?

If there's anything these pandemic times have thrust into sharp relief, it is the gap between "business as usual" and our deepest longings for ourselves. Being pulled up short made us confront things that were...

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You don't need more time, you just need more listening collective story harvest learning edge listening Apr 09, 2022

On Thursday night I was listening to mythologist Michael Meade during his webinar called "Coping in a World Gone Wrong." From a mythological point of view, the end times are also the beginning times. And they call for a special focus, because it no longer serves to hang onto "business as...

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Harnessing the power of listening for collective intelligence collective story harvest collective wisdom life stories Apr 08, 2022

How often have you heard people bemoan the obvious potential that lies within a person, group or system that seems stagnant or stuck? Often those with the most potential find it easy to coach and support others, but seem blind to their own gifts and talents.

Yikes! That statement feels too close...

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How story leads to collective wisdom collective story harvest listening story activism story as a map Apr 05, 2022

Just this morning I was speaking with a fellow facilitator and circle host who had taken part in BEYOND FACILITATION and found herself excited by new learning edges in her practice. She joined us because she senses she wants to strengthen her internal core to be able to host more challenging...

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A closer look at the present moment future story story activism story as a map story as process partner story evolution Mar 18, 2022

Yesterday I had the great pleasure to check in with a group of storymakers I haven't seen in a long time. Most of them are part of Beyond Storytelling, a network of story people which hosts an annual "Story Camp", this year taking place in Austria.

The theme for this year is "Beginnings...

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Story is the ultimate multitasking tool about stories collective wisdom leadership making meaning people in practice Mar 15, 2022

Today I was listening to Henri Lipmanowicsz and Keith McCandless tell part of the origin story of Liberating Structures. Henri made a compelling point that concepts are all very well and good, but for change to come, people need structures. So many people are not poor leaders by choice, but...

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Every meeting is a story makes me think story activist story as a map story as process partner Mar 07, 2022

This morning I was up before the sun and sitting in front of the computer ready to deliver a "Dialogue with Masters" session for the CP Yen Foundation.  The Foundation focuses on encouraging a culture of respect and participation through offering, training and providing information...

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